Saturday 27 May 2023

Week 6 Term 2 2023

 Here we are in the second half of Term Two already! It seems like this term is whizzing by!

Some updates for the next fortnight:

Learning/Class topics:

A reminder if you want to see what we are learning about in class in Year 4, you have access to it all on your child's class notebook in the onenote app on their laptop in each tab section for each subject. All of the spelling words and focus phonemes for this term have been uploaded if you wish to do extra spelling homework.  

Maths: We will be investigating distances, data and map measurement in an investigation this week called Aussie Adventure, then later will begin to look at equivalent fractions and fractions on a number line late this week and into Week 7.

English: reading includes comprehension skills such as summarising information read, finding facts that answer questions and reasoning.  Writing we are competing our information report on our totem animal, the emu (noongar is Wedtj) as well as a biography information report.  Grammar - suffix 'ly' prefixes, comparative language (adjectives and adverbs), nouns and pronouns, and contractions.  

We have completed our Scratch name animation last fortnight and have begun our visual art project first investigating radial symmetry in famous artworks and nature then beginning our own printmaking project.  Our design technology project about food and fibre sources and production is also well underway! 


This term, an example of your child's English writing and Mathematics number skills has been uploaded with an indicator to how they are achieving in accordance to Yr 4 WA Curriculum.  Next week, there will also be an example of your child's current reading skills.  Please reach out if you have any problems accessing your child's electronic learning journal in Seesaw.  


Please keep up the homework each night or morning - it creates good habits for your child's learning in the later years.  It is still very important to be reading for 10 minutes aloud to someone most nights to maintain your child's reading skills.  This is a good opportunity to discuss new vocabulary words, the structure of sentences and punctuation use as well as an opportunity to continue to develop your child's reading comprehension and text understanding skills.  We also ask that you ensure your child is completing both parts of the reading log - the title/author as well as the response question (choose which question from the back section of the homework booklet).  Feel free to review and mark your own child's mental maths if you wish before we review it on Fridays.  We will be reviewing the next cycle of homework this Friday.  

Star Citizen

Congratulations to James who was our half term star citizen award winner.  He continuously displays our school value of appreciation by thanking others, ensuring equality and fairness and appreciating his environment, taking action to look after things around him.  Well done, James! 

The OLC Dance Concert is coming up- WEEK 8 Friday 16th June, starting at 11am. The theme for the Years 3-6 classes is Circus (only year 3 – 6 students are performing in the concert).If your child will be away on this day, please email as soon as possible. Please see class specific details on costumes that will be needed at school FRIDAY 16TH JUNE.YEAR 4’S- CLOWNS!The Year 4’s are going to be the clowns of the circus! I have clown accessories for them to wear, but please pack a ‘base’ costume for your child:-All black OR bright clothing (if have big brands on please wear inside out)-any clown style costumes or accessories you have at home (please do NOT buy anything!)-colourful high socks-sneakers (the more colourful the better!)The Year 6 Students will be painting the Year 4’s faces with clown face paint! This is not compulsory, and if your child has sensitive skin, please tell them not to get their face painted. If you can paint your child’s face or do clown inspired hair and make-up at home for Friday, 16th June, Week 8’s show please do so (we have 45 clowns and 66 year 3’s to get their faces painted!)- this can be worn to school.If you have any questions please email

OLC Virtue of the Week:

St Valentine is the patron Saint of love. He did not listen to the emperor at the time who decreed those young men in the army were not to be wed. St Valentine married couples in secret so that they could be together!Are close relationships very important to you?Are you warm and genuine?

IMPORTANT DATES (more information can be found on the school website)

28th May: Pentecost

2nd June: Pupil Free Day / Staff Religion PD

5th June: WA Day Public Holiday

15th June: OLC Cross Country Carnival

16th June: Year 3-6 Dance Concert - 11am

Wednesday 10 May 2023

Week 3, Term 2

Kaya everyone,

Some information as we approach the halfway mark in week 3. We have been very impressed with the students' ideas for assembly this week and look forward to their performance next Friday 19th May. Further information regarding assembly below:


The Year 4's are busy developing and rehearsing their ideas for our 'Walk Safely to School Day' Assembly. Please save the date next Friday 19th May if you are able to attend our performance from 2pm. Some of your children may have reading parts to practice by the end of the week.

The students are invited to get into free dress/comfy 'walking' clothes for the assembly. Other accessories such as a cap/sweat bands can be worn. We are going to combine the day with our free dress reward that our class has earnt last term so students in 4K can wear it from the start of the day.  

National Walk Safely to School Day is a community initiative that aims to raise awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking (especially to and from school) can provide for the long term well-being of our children. It would be great to see as many of the Year 4's as possible walking to school on this morning.


Our first fortnight of homework went home on Monday. Please refer to our last blog post for a description of the homework and due dates (even Fridays in the term so the first lot will be due next Friday, however students are welcome to hand it in each Friday if it is an easier process for your child to remember). 

Reading Books

With many of the children reading their own choice of novels/texts we encourage them to get into the habit of packing their 'current read' into their bags for reading in class (5-10 minutes after lunch).

Learning Update

Writing: We are learning the features of an information report and have distinguished between fact and opinion statements. In the coming weeks we will be writing our own information report based on our class fauna totem which is the Emu known as Weitj in Noongar.   As a year group we are currently exploring a good example of a report about our favourite resident on Rottnest Island. Can you guess?

Reading: We have been reading other types of information reports in reading such as biographies of well known figures such as Anh Do and Roald Dahl.  We are looking at the different language features in different types of informative texts to help us get to know the features and how they are organised.  

Maths: We have just completed a unit on subtraction, learning how to subtract larger numbers using an algorithm and a new strategy called boxing up. Ask your child if they can show you! We have planned for some revision on this concept as it is a tricky skill to master. This week we are moving into estimation and rounding skills.


You can see lots of information about what we are learning in class in all of our subjects on their content library and individual folders in their one note.  If you would like to help your child further with any concepts at home.  Please remember that all of our spelling units including focus and extension words are on one note to do some additional spelling practise at home each week.  

OLC Character Strength - Judgement

St Alphonsus left his career as a lawyer to follow God. St Alphonsus was a practical person, who dealt with the concrete and not the abstract.

Do you think things through? 

Are you open-minded and think about all sides of a situation?


Yoga with Heather Starr has been postponed until Thu 25th May. All  students are required to come to school in their sports uniform on this day.  We will try to send a reminder text that day. 

Friendly Reminder

Students who arrives prior to 8:30am must be seated in the courtyard area, not the eating quadrangle area or hall area while waiting for the classroom to open.

Important Dates for Term 1 2023

  1. Sunday 14th May - Mother's Day 
  2. Monday 15th May - Veggie Stall before school 
  3. Tuesday 16th May - Book Fair 
  4. Wednesday 17th May - Book Fair 
  5. Friday 19th May - Year 4 Performance Assembly 
  6. Friday 19th May - National Walk to School Safely Day 
  7. Monday 22nd May - Veggie Stall before school  
  8. Friday 26th May - National Sorry Day 
  9. Monday 29th May - Veggie Stall before school 
  10. Monday 29th - Friday 2nd June - National Reconciliation Week 
  11. Friday 2nd June - Pupil Free Day 
  12. Friday 5th June - WA Public Holiday 
  13. Thursday 8th June - Winter Sport Carnival 
  14. Monday 12th June - Veggie Stall before school 
  15. Thursday 15th June - OLC Cross Country 
  16. Friday 16th June - OLC dance concert 
  17. Monday 19th June - Veggie Stall before school 
  18. Tuesday 20th June - World Refugee Day 
  19. Monday 26th June - Veggie Stall before school 
  20. Friday 30th June - End of Term 2 

Happy Mother's Day to all our lovely class Mum's on Sunday. The Year Four's are under strict instruction to ensure that their Mum's do not lift a finger! Enjoy the day!

Penny and Gemma

Week 4 5 Term 2 2024

  Welcome to week 4! It has been a big three weeks for Term 2 - so much learning together!  Maths: Measurement, Space and Statistics: Earlie...