Saturday 2 December 2023

Last week 2023

Good afternoon parents,

Well, here we are - only several more days together as a Year 4 team. What a fantastic year we have had with the special members of 4K for 2023.  They are a creative and hard-working group of children and should all feel very proud of their growth and personal achievements throughout the year. 

Over the last few days I have contacted some parents via email to inform them about their child's current achievements and academic needs leading into 2024. If you are not contacted but would still like to meet or would like to let us know anything before the end of the year, please feel free to catch one of us either quickly before or after school or reach out via email..  

Class Lists 2024 

In the latest newsletter, you would have seen that Mr Benjamin Danaher and Mr Sean McSevich/Mrs Tenielle Lamotte will be working with these students next year. Class lists are being finalised this week, being confirmed with administration next week and will be distributed to families in Week 10.  We are looking forward to a 'Year Five' taster afternoon on Monday where students will meet all of the Year Five teachers and complete a quick activity in next year's Year Five classrooms to familiarise themselves for next year.  

Christmas Concert

Thank you all for your wonderful organisation of costumes and having the children on time and full of enthusiasm for the night. The behaviour of the students was outstanding and it was wonderful seeing some of the Year 4's featuring in the whole school 'Straw and Order' play. What a beautiful way to start off our festive season, as Advent begins!

Working Hard 

Other than our Christmas concert preparations that were underway earlier in the week, please note that we are still in the midst of our teaching and learning program... We are working very hard and we are not on holidays yet!  Grading for student reports is still being finalised and reports will be made available via SEQTA at the end of Week 9.  Please see the office if you do not have this already set up on your devices. 

Our class reward system of BANQER money has been combined and most approved by admin. This includes the request for a class party on the Wednesday of week 9 (6th Dec). We invite the students to each bring a plate of finger food to share for lunch on this day. If you can, could girls please bring a plate of something sweet and boys something savoury.  Please pack recess and crunch and sip as per usual. Any students who would prefer not to participate in the shared food can of course still bring in their own lunch box.  We will also be enjoying watching the first half of the original movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (G) in the afternoon as a way to complete our novel study this term and complete it on Friday.  Unfortunately we will not be having 'free dress' as requested on the day but students in Meelup may as their faction is the winner for this term.  We will be having a construction/art/creation session, free choice seating and other fun activities for the day.  Not surprisingly, no homework for the week was also a request as a reward! 


Laptops will not be needed on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday so may be kept at home for the last three days of the year.  If there are any problems with their stylus pens or laptop, can you please let Mrs Johnson via their teacher know on Monday (her work days are Mon/Thurs) so that she can resolve any laptop issues before next year.  No laptops for the last few days will also allow for some extra room in the school bag to bring home all of their workbooks and tasks they have completed this semester.  

Last Day

On Friday, our day will mostly consist of cleaning up, final advent study, Year 6 Graduation assembly and in the afternoon - lots of fun with the Colour Run!  Students will need to wear their faction sports uniform for the morning but can get changed into their white clothing after the graduation assembly.  Make sure there is extra sunscreen in the bag this week if your child is not able to wear the school sunscreen.  Don't forget to bring a towel too unless you want a possibly colourful and wet ride home! 

St Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal 

A huge thank you to those families that have been able to make a contribution to St Vinnie's hampers for the year.  Donations will be given to local families in need.  

Uthando Dolls

Thank you so much for the helpers who have come in over the last month or so to assist the doll making.  It has been a wonderful project that wouldn't have been possible at all without the wonderful helpers that have come in over the term!  They will be delivered to the lovely ladies in Perth and shipped off later in the year.

We are now attempting a small sewing project to create a home made Christmas decoration ready to hang on our trees next week.

Absentees - Your child may have come home with an Absentee Follow up note in their bag. Please fill this out and return as soon as possible.

Cape Care Elderly Pen Pals

Over the year we have communicated with some pen pals in the Dunsborough and Busselton Cape Care.  We have made cards and letters for them and we will begin creating some Christmas cards to send to our elderly pen pals. The children have loved hearing from some of their pen pals throughout the year and it has been a great way to be involved in the wider community.


Important Dates for Term 4 2023   

  • Wednesday 6th December - Class shared lunch (bring a plate of finger food).
  • Friday 8th December - OLC Colour Run and Last day of School. (Please wear sports uniform and bring extra clothes (white) you don’t mind getting ruined and don't forget to bring a towel for the car ride home).  
Thank you for your continued support and assistance throughout the year,
Penny and Gemma.

Week 4 5 Term 2 2024

  Welcome to week 4! It has been a big three weeks for Term 2 - so much learning together!  Maths: Measurement, Space and Statistics: Earlie...